Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Engaging Employees

At the recent board of directors meeting of the Employee Involvement Association, there was discussion about the evolution of programs. Initially, companies had suggestion programs, where the emphasis was on the "suggestion box".

As these programs have grown to be more sophisticated, collecting data electronically and working towards including a large number of employees, there was a change in thinking. This change was mirrored when the National Association of Suggestion Systems (NASS) changed its name to the Employee Involvement Association (EIA).

The next stage of evolution is towards employee engagement. There is growing understanding that an employee that is actively engaged in a business is more likely to be successful, actively contribute - not just suggestions in a formal sense, but also to the daily efforts to improve the wellbeing of the organization.

This change is reflected on the front page of the EIA Website:

EIA members are leaders who are dedicated to building organizations that engage their employees, encouraging them to contribute to their organizations at many levels and many ways.

Employee Involvement is the keystone of organization development, nurturing the engagement and empowerment of people.

EIA is committed to increasing organization effectiveness through the imagination of employees.

Does your company reflect the evolution of employee involvement, striving for ways to engage and empower their employees? If so, let us know by your comments and by completing the survey to the right.